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Taxes and Fees

Name & Description

May Apply To



Security And Insurance Surcharge Departure Israeli Carriers 

Levied on all Israeli Carrier Flights also when departure or arrival is not from/to Israel.

Each Way



Travel Facilities Tax
(aka Alaska/Hawaii Ticket Tax) 

It is applicable on certain flights (to/or from Alaska and/or Hawaii)

U.S. Domestic and International


$10.60 OW/$21.20 RT

U.S. Flight Segment Tax Domestic

On flights within the US continent (according to per-segment fee)

U.S. Domestic and International



U.S. Excise Tax (or U.S. Domestic Transportation Tax; U.S. Ticket Tax)

A certain percentage of fare; applicable on the flights restricting the continent of US or Canada/Mexico 225-mile buffer zones.

U.S. Domestic



Passenger Facility Charge (PFC)

This is charged as a variable fee as a facilities improvement tax by particular airports. A maximum of 4 charges on one itinerary can be charged.

Per Arrival in USA



September 11th Security Fee (U.S. Passenger Civil Aviation Security Fee)  

Per One Way, not more than $11.20 per Round Trip. Fee levied on passengers per enplanement on domestic and foreign air carriers for the cost of civil aviation security measures implemented post 9/11.

U.S. Domestic and International



U.S. International Transportation (Arrival/Departure) Tax

This applies to all flights arriving or departing from the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.




U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Fee

Applies to all flights starting abroad, except Canada, & land in the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.




U.S. Immigration User Fee

On international arrivals to the U.S., Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.




U.S. Customs User Fee

Applicable on passengers arriving in the USA or in Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia for flights which don't originate in US territories.




International Taxes and Government or Airport-imposed fees

Other foreign taxes, inspection fees, & security charges which are excluded from airport departure taxes



up to several hundred dollars

Online Air Transaction Service Fees

On all airfares, a service fee of up to $30 is levied on per pax for every passenger type

U.S. Domestic and International


up to $30.00

Online Hotel Transaction Services Fees

(per night, per room)

All Hotels


up to $35


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