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Cancellations Refund Policy

At, we ensure transparency regarding airline refunds and future credits. All airline refunds and future credits are subject to the fare rules, policies, and procedures of each airline. Once a ticket is issued, it falls under the respective airline’s terms and conditions, which may render it non-refundable and/or non-changeable. Waivers are generally not applicable. Additionally, all post-ticketing service fees are non-refundable and subject to change without notice.

Most airline tickets booked through are non-refundable after 24 hours of booking. Cancellation and refund requests will only be considered if the airline’s fare rules allow it, we have accepted your refund request, you are not classified as a "No Show" (as most "No Show" bookings are ineligible for refunds), and if we successfully obtain waivers from the airline or supplier. Submitting a refund request does not automatically guarantee eligibility. Once we receive your request, our team will work with the airline or supplier to secure any applicable waivers and provide an update regarding the final decision.

Upon receiving confirmation from the airline or supplier, we will notify you of the refund status. Refund processing times vary and may take 60-90 days from the date of request submission to the credit appearing on your statement. The timeline depends on the airline and supplier’s processing time, over which we have no direct control. Additionally, all refunds are subject to applicable penalties imposed by the airline or supplier.

All refund fees are charged on a per-passenger, per-ticket basis and will only be applied if a refund has been approved by the supplier or an applicable waiver has been received. Requests for cancellations and refunds must be submitted via phone only on [email protected] to be considered valid.


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